Ashley Callingbull Giving Voice to Change
Ashley Callingbull Giving Voice to Change
Ashley Callingbull is no textbook beauty queen. She may wear her crown better than most, but her greatest accomplishments extend far beyond the pageant stage. In her short time as Mrs. Universe, she has challenged the Canadian parliament, rocked the First Nations vote, and inspired scores of Canadian women to live fearlessly. By the looks of it, she isn’t planning to rest on her laurels any time soon.
You’ve positioned yourself as a nonconforming beauty queen who refuses to “be pretty and shut up.” Did you enrol in the Mrs. Universe pageant with the idea that it would give you a stronger political voice? I wanted to join Mrs. Universe because it was so different from any other pageant I’ve competed in. They only judge you on your charitable work and your work for the platform, which was domestic violence and reflection on children. But, I did have an agenda going into this; I am not going to deny that!
Photographers: Chris Nicholls
Writer: Valérie Silva